By Tony C. Lesesne / @tonylesesne
Real heroes don't wear fancy super suits and fly through the sky to rescue people. Real heroes look like you and me and volunteer their efforts in times of need and distress. That takes us to the city of North Miami where volunteers, city employees, police officers, and the mayor's office worked together to distribute food at Sunkist Grove Community Center, a beautiful public facility just west of I-95 near 125th street in Miami, FL.

The food giveaway was a sight to behold as it was a well organized activity that required a high-degree of safety and coordination. The Mayors office made it simple and safe so that residents could simply drive their cars up to the distribution area with their trunks open to allow the workers to load the boxes of food quickly and efficiently. Those food boxes included fruit, veggies and protein items.
Being a pro racing fan, the effort reminded me of the quick coordination race teams display when the race car pulls into the pits for new tires and gasoline. In this case, the hyped up members of the distribution team formed an assembly line, passing box after box down the line, from the pallets to the car trunks. They enthusiastically motivated one another; keeping up the energy and drive. It reminds me of an old saying, “nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm”.

All this action happened on a clear, sunny day in the beautiful city of North Miami. It is a suburban city with almost 60,000 residents, North Miami is the sixth largest city in Miami-Dade County.
The city is noted for its tree-lined streets, its proximity to the Biscayne Bay and Miami beaches, as well as its numerous parks. It was the perfect setting to get food out to more than 700 cars in less than four hours.
Our team has covered events like this throughout the last few years. We have watched and filmed the increasing number of residents that show up for the needed food distributions. The pandemic created even greater challenges due to jobs lost and businesses closing. With that in mind, we were proud to go “On the Scene” to capture the action, interact with the people from the city of North Miami and the kind police officers that helped from start to finish. Yes it was inspiring.

I want to give a special thanks to our friend and supporter, Eddie Rodham, who tipped us off on the event and its importance to the community being served. Also, a shout out goes to The Honorable Philippe Bien-Aime, Mayor of North Miami, and his entire team for being so welcoming and allowing us to serve them better by sharing this story with you. Of course I want to thank my amazing team at LMG Entertainment for seeing the value in this story and supporting the effort to get it to you.
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