Resolutions; We all make them – those grand pronouncements of self-improvement that ring out with the optimism of a new year. Lose weight, learn a language, write a novel… the list is endless. But the road to achieving these goals is rarely a straight path. It's a mountain climb, demanding both grit and grace.I've been there before and I'm absolutely sure you have been there too. We make resolutions with the best of intentions. We make them with hope and enthusiasm and sincerity. Plus it sounds good when we talk to ourselves as if we can make these things happen.
Check out the short episode here
Having failed enough time with resolutions on one hand, and finding success with resolutions on the other depending on the year, I can tell you that there are some ways to win when it comes to resolutions. I look at it taking into a memory of mountain climbing. From a distance, and looked overwhelming, daunting, absolutely frightening. But the steady, careful pace, the teamwork, our guides and our preparation paid off. Each step of the climb was careful, intentional and secure. What's important to understand is preparation for this effort began a long time ago with simply taking hikes and graduating to slopes and understanding how it all works. One step at a time and only dealing with that which you can handle easily. We never attempt anything close to something that we cannot easily succeed at.
Remember, every summit is conquered one step at a time. Focus on small, achievable goals. Instead of vowing to "exercise more," commit to a 15-minute walk each day. Instead of "saving money," aim to cut back on daily lattes. These micro-steps build momentum and prevent you from feeling overwhelmed.
Patience, the soldier of the mind, is your unwavering companion on this journey. Setbacks are inevitable. You'll stumble, you'll falter, you'll doubt yourself. But these are not failures; they are opportunities for learning. Analyze what went wrong, adjust your course, and keep climbing.
This is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be days when you feel like giving up, when the mountain seems insurmountable. But remember why you started. Visualize the summit, the sense of accomplishment that awaits you.
Click the link below for the short episode on Resolutions

It's easy to be critical of yourself when your resolutions fall short and you are unable to meet them because you may not have maintained the discipline and consistency, or you may not have had the strength and energy to see it through. But don't despair. That mountain ain't going nowhere. Don't beat yourself up or tear yourself down. There's enough negative energy out there and setbacks waiting to fill that void.
Be kind to yourself. Celebrate small victories. Acknowledge your progress, no matter how small. And most importantly, be persistent. The journey may be long and challenging, but the view from the top is worth every step.
Key elements:
Metaphor: The mountain climbing analogy effectively illustrates the challenges and rewards of achieving goals.
Focus on small steps: Emphasizes the importance of breaking down large goals into manageable chunks.
Role of patience: Highlights patience as a crucial virtue in overcoming obstacles.
Encouragement and tough love: Provides both motivation and realistic expectations, acknowledging the difficulties while emphasizing perseverance.
Long-term perspective: Encourages readers to view goal achievement as a marathon, not a sprint.
Here's the secret to success:
Tiny Steps: Losing weight? Saving money? Making money? Most resolutions fail because they're too ambitious. Instead of drastic overhauls, focus on small, achievable goals.
Daily Review: Regularly review your progress. This keeps your goals top-of-mind and helps you stay motivated. Celebrate small victories along the way!
Let's get started!
Key changes:
Conciseness: Removed redundant phrases and streamlined the language.
Clarity: Improved sentence structure and word choice for better readability.
Focus: Emphasized the core message of small, achievable goals and daily review.
Call to action: A simple and encouraging ending.
Maintaining a schedule and a routine that is complimentary to your resolution goals is important. Keeping a positive attitude, staying around positive influences, and speaking to yourself and affirming in a positive manner all pays dividends. Good luck with your resolutions, be sure to write them down, keep them close every day, and go at it.